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Advance Ruling in GST: A Comprehensive Overview

Writer's picture: Nimisha PandaNimisha Panda

An Indian legal mechanism known as "advance ruling" enables taxpayers to get a legally binding decision regarding the tax ramifications of a proposed transaction before its execution. This proactive clarification facilitates tax compliance, lowers litigation, and offers certainty. It is helpful in complicated transactions with ambiguous tax implications. In this article, we will shed light on the concept of advance ruling in GST


Table of Contents:


What is the Advance Ruling in GST?

A written interpretation of tax laws is what any advance tax ruling is. Tax authorities provide it to businesses and individuals who ask for clarification on specific tax issues. When a taxpayer is unclear or confused about a particular provision, they frequently ask for an advance ruling. Before the proposed activity commences, an advance tax ruling is applied. For instance, advance ruling is available in international taxation under income tax. It will assist non-residents in determining their income tax liability, planning their income tax ahead of time, and avoiding drawn-out and expensive legal battles. According to GST, an advance ruling is a written judgment that the tax authorities provide to the applicant regarding inquiries concerning the supply of goods or services.

Objective of Advance Ruling

Any advance ruling's goal, including under GST, is to

  • Give the applicant advance notice of their tax liability about a future activity they plan to undertake.

  • Draw in FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) by making taxes more understandable and providing a clear image of the FDI's potential tax obligations. The taxation's clarity and simplicity will draw in non-residents who don't want to become embroiled in complex tax disputes.

  • Cut down on expensive legal disputes and litigation.

  • Make choices in a timely, open, and affordable way.

Applicability of Advance Ruling in GST

Any taxpayer unsure of the provisions may ask for an advance ruling. An advance tax ruling is relevant for

  • The Act's classification of any goods and/or services

  • Whether a notification that modifies the tax rate is applicable

  • Calculating the duration and cost of the supply of goods or services

  • Eligibility for input tax credit paid (or presumed paid)

  • Calculating the tax liability for any goods or services

  • Does the applicant need to register for GST?  

  • If a specific action taken by the applicant about goods or services will lead to a supply.

Types of Advance Rulings

  • Advance Rulings on Income Tax

These decisions, which address matters like income characterization, the applicability of double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAAs), and the determination of residential status, offer clarity on transactions involving income tax obligations, especially for non-residents and PSUs.

GST advance rulings assist companies in comprehending the tax ramifications of their activities, such as the eligibility for input tax credits, the classification of goods and services, and the applicability of tax rates.

  • Advance Rulings on Transfer Pricing

To ensure that cross-border transactions between related businesses are listed by applicable transfer pricing regulations and arm's length principles, transfer pricing rulings provide clarification.

Steps to Seek GST Advance Ruling as a Registered Person

Those registered under GST must take the following actions to request an advance ruling.

Step 1: Go to Services > User Services, log in to the GST portal, and select the "My Applications" option.

Step 2: Click the "New Application" button after choosing "Advance Ruling" as the "Application Type" and entering the "From Date" and "To Date."

Step 3: Decide which "Act" the advance ruling application is being submitted under. 

If the applicant is a regular taxpayer, choose "CGST" and "SGST." If the applicant offers OIDAR services, opt for "IGST." Applying before the AAR requires a total deposit of Rs 5,000 under each of the three Acts (CGST, SGST, and IGST).

At this point, the applicant may choose to do either of the following:

  • Click the "Deposit In Cash Ledger" button to deposit the remaining amount as instructed in Step 4 and continue filling out the application if the "Amount to be paid" column displays any amount.

  • If the "Amount to be paid" column is blank, click the "Create Application For Advance Ruling" button to complete the application. Go straight to step 5.

Step 4: Use one of the following methods to pay the fee if the amount in the cash ledger is insufficient:

  • Online payment, Netbanking 

  • In-person cash, check, demand draft

  • NEFT and RTGS

The tax liability details are shown on the "Create Challan" page and cannot be changed. Click "Generate Challan" after selecting one of the aforementioned "Payment modes" options. Upon successful payment, the challan is generated with the CIN.

To continue, tap the "Create Application For Advance Ruling" button after being taken to the "New Application" page.

Step 5: Complete the advance ruling application by providing the required information, uploading the completed PDF template, and attaching the required supporting documentation.

1. Enter information in the sections below on the "Advance Ruling Application" page

2. Correspondence Address: Check the box if the correspondence address matches the registered address. Enter the building number, name, floor number, road, and city, and choose the state and district from the drop-down menu. If you don't want to change it, enter the PIN code.

3. Activity Type for which a preliminary ruling is required. Check one or more boxes that represent your current or planned business.

4. The issue or issues that require an advance ruling. Choose the appropriate checkbox.

Advance Ruling Application Details:

  • To save the Word template, click the "Download Template" hyperlink on the right side of the window. Then, click "Enable Editing."

  • Enter the information stated in the sections on the activity's nature and correspondence address.

  • Give the file the name "Advance Ruling Template" and save it to your computer in PDF format. Five megabytes should be the maximum file size.

  • To upload the "Advance Ruling Template" PDF file, click the "Choose File" button.

  • The pertinent instructions are displayed on the right-hand side of the screen.

5. Upload supporting documents: Add a description of the document and select each PDF file from your computer system to upload as supporting documentation. Four documents at most, with a maximum size of 5 MB, are permitted.

6. Declaration: Check both boxes to indicate that the specific case has been resolved under the Act or is not still pending proceedings.

7. Verification: Along with the "Designation," enter the applicant's "Name" and, if applicable, the name of their father or spouse. You will see that "Name of Authorised Signatory" and "Date" are automatically filled in when you choose "Name of Authorised Signatory" from the drop-down list and enter the "Place" where the form is filed.

Step 6: Before selecting "Proceed To File," click "Preview" to examine the information listed.

Additionally, the computer system downloads the "Advance Ruling.pdf" file in the manner described below:

Step 7: Use EVC or DSC to file.

Upon filing successfully, the following will take place:

  • An automatic debit to the electronic cash ledger is for the application fee. The ARN, or Application Reference Number, is generated.

  • The application becomes marked as "Filed."

  • By selecting "Download," you can download the acknowledgment displayed on the window to your computer.

  • The taxpayer will receive an email and an SMS.

  • You can review the status of the advance ruling applications submitted during the previous three months at a later time. Choose "Advance Ruling" as the "Application Type," "from date," and "to date." Then, click the "Search" button and the "ARN hyperlink." Go to Dashboard > Services > User Services > My Applications.

Steps to Seek GST Advance Ruling as a Unregistered Person

To prevent future lawsuits, anyone who wants to register for GST or who understands how the GST law applies can request an advance ruling.

In general, there are five steps:

Step 1: Use our "Generation of User ID" guide to create a temporary ID on the GST portal.

Step 2: Use the temporary ID you were given in Step 1 to log into the GST portal.

Step 3: Use our "How to create challan?" guide on the GST portal to create a challan to pay the advance ruling application fee. Make a note of the CIN and the challan receipt.

Step 4: Go to the GST portal Homepage > Downloads > Offline Tools > "GST ARA 01 – Application for Advance Ruling" to download and print the PDF template of the application (form ARA-01) and manually fill in the required fields. Don't forget to mention the temporary ID.

Step 5: Go to the State Authority for Advance Ruling Office and turn in the completed application, plus the supporting documentation and challan receipt.

Steps to Appeal Against an Advance Ruling Before the Appellate Authority

Any taxpayer has thirty days from the AAR communication of the advance ruling order in form ARA-02 to file an appeal with the AAAR.

Use the procedures listed below to appeal a specific advance ruling:

Step 1: Go to Services > User Services > My Applications after logging into the GST portal.

Step 2: Select the "Orders" tab in the case-details window's left-hand panel.

Step 3: Select the "File Appeal" hyperlink next to the pertinent AAR advance ruling order.

Step 4: Decide which Act requires an appeal against the advance ruling and ensure enough money in the cash ledger to cover the application fee. In "Steps to apply an advance ruling by registered persons," adhere to the same guidelines as in steps three and four. Click "Create Application For Appeal" after the "Amount to be paid" column is zero. That's the only difference.

Step 5: Complete the "Advance Ruling Appeal Application" by providing the required information, uploading the completed PDF template, and attaching the supporting documentation. The "No. of days delay in filing Appeal" field will not be set to 0 if the appeal is unregistered within 30 days of receiving the advance ruling order. Next, under the "Upload Supporting Documents" section, attach the Condonation of Delay (COD) details.

Choose whether to file an appeal application under the SGST, CGST, or IGST Act. Here is a list of the remaining actions that need to be performed:

  • Enter the Notice correspondence address, following the instructions in the advance ruling application guide.

  • Choose "Yes" or "No" depending on whether the applicant wants to be in person.

  • In the "Details of Appeal for Advance Ruling Application" field, upload the converted PDF file after clicking the "Download Template" hyperlink and filling out the ARA-02 form on paper.

  • If there are any supporting documents, upload them by providing a brief description of the document and then selecting the "Choose File" button.

  • Entering the verification section requires following the procedures outlined in the application guide for advance rulings.

Step 6: Before selecting "Proceed To File," check the information declared by clicking the "Preview" button.

A warning message reminding you to upload the supporting document if there is any excuse for the delay. Click "Proceed" if it's already uploaded.

Step 7: Use EVC or DSC to file. 

Following the appeal's successful filing, the following will occur:

  • It generates the Application Reference Number (ARN).

  • By selecting "Download," you can download the acknowledgment displayed on the window on your computer.

  • The applicant will receive an email and an SMS.

  • After the application is listed before the AAAR, the jurisdictional officer will receive a message via email.

  • The applicant can trace the appeal status. The procedures described in the section above of the advance ruling application guide under step 7 are comparable.


According to the GST law, an advance ruling is a declaration or decision made by the Authority of Advance Rulings (AAR). A GST-registered person or an unregistered entity may file an application using form ARA-01, and this ruling is provided in response to that application. Clarification on the applicability of GST laws or the classification of goods/services under the GST framework is frequently necessary for those requesting this ruling. Additionally, applicants may appeal to the Appellate Authority for Advance Rulings (AAAR) in order to contest this decision. 


Q1. What is an Advance Ruling under GST?

A written decision issued by tax authorities to an applicant on the interpretation or applicability of GST laws is known as an advance ruling. It assists taxpayers in organizing their operations legally and averting future conflicts.

Q2. Who can apply for an Advance Ruling?

Anyone registered for GST or wants to register for GST may request an Advance Ruling.

Q3. What types of questions are addressed through an Advance Ruling?

  • Some questions answered are:

  • Product and service classification

  • Determining the time and value of the supply of goods or services

  • Applicability of a notification issued under the Act's provisions

  • Acceptability of input tax credits 

  • Calculation of tax obligations for any goods or services

  • If the applicant must be registered

  • If a specific activity amounts to or produces a supply of goods or services

Q4. What is the process to apply for an Advance Ruling?

The applicant must send in Form GST ARA-01 and the required payment. The GST portal allows for the online filing of the application.

Q5. Who are the authorities that issue Advance Rulings?

The Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR), which consists of one member from the central tax and one from the state tax, is responsible for issuing advance rulings.

Q6. Is there an appeal process for Advance Rulings?

Yes, an appeal may be filed with the Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling (AAAR) if the tax authorities are dissatisfied with the AAR's decision.

Q7. How long does it take to receive an Advance Ruling?

The AAR has ninety days from the date of application receipt to issue its decision.

Q8. Can an Advance Ruling be withdrawn or modified?

Within 30 days of the application date, an applicant may withdraw their request for an advance ruling. However, the courts are the only ones who can change or overturn a decision.

Q9. What is the fee for applying for an Advance Ruling?

Each question raised in the application costs INR 5,000 to apply for an advance ruling.

Q10. What are the benefits of seeking an Advance Ruling?

Benefits include: 

  • Tax liability clarity; 

  • Litigation reduction; 

  • Tax treatment certainty; and

  • Appropriate business activity planning.

Q11. Can a non-resident apply for an Advance Ruling?

Yes, a taxable person who is not a resident may also request an Advance Ruling.

Q12. What happens if the Advance Ruling is not in favour of the applicant?

The applicant may appeal the decision with the Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling (AAAR) if it is not in their favour.

Q13. Are Advance Rulings publicly accessible?

Indeed, Advance Rulings are available for transparency and guidance on the official GST website.

Q14. Is an advance ruling legally binding?

The applicant can better plan his actions that require upfront GST payment with the help of an advance ruling. Determining tax liability is also clearer because the Authority for Advance Ruling's decision is legally binding on the government and the applicant.

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